Chapter 6: Device Management1033. Select either or both Enable SNMP v1/v2c and Enable SNMP v3. Atleast one option must be selected. Required4. Complete the following fields for SNMP v1/v2c (if needed):a. Community - the device's community stringb. Community Type - grant either Read-Only or Read-Write accessto the community usersNote: An SNMP community is the group to which devices andmanagement stations running SNMP belong. It helps define whereinformation is sent. The community name is used to identify thegroup. The SNMP device or agent may belong to more than oneSNMP community.5. Complete the following fields for SNMP v3 (if needed):a. Select Use Auth Passphrase if one is needed. If the PrivacyPassphrase is required, the 'Use Auth Passphrase' allows you tohave the same passphrase for both without having to re-enterthe Auth Passphrase.b. Security Name - the username or service account name of theentity communicating with the SNMP agent (up to 32 characters)c. Authentication Protocol - the MD5 or SHA authenticationprotocol used by the SNMP v3 agentd. Authentication Passphrase - the passphrase required to accessthe SNMP v3 agent (up to 64 characters)e. Privacy Protocol - if applicable, the AES or DES algorithm usedto encrypt PDU and context dataf. Privacy Passphrase - the passphrase used to access the privacyprotocol algorithm (up to 64 characters)6. Click OK to start the SNMP agent service.