Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers57Please note that mouse configurations will vary on different targetoperating systems. Consult your OS guidelines for further details. Alsonote that intelligent mouse synchronization does not work with UNIXtargets.Absolute Mouse ModeIn this mode, absolute coordinates are used to keep the client and targetcursors in synch, even when the target mouse is set to a differentacceleration or speed.Note that Absolute Mouse Synchronization is required for proper mousesynchronization on KVM target servers running a Mac® operating system.To enter Absolute Mouse Synchronization: Choose Mouse > Absolute in the KVM client.VKC Virtual MediaSee the chapter on Virtual Media (on page 64) for complete informationabout setting up and using virtual media.Tool OptionsGeneral SettingsTo set the tools options:1. Click Tools > Options. The Options dialog appears.2. Select the Enable Logging checkbox only if directed to by TechnicalSupport.This option creates a log file in your home directory.3. Choose the Keyboard Type from the drop-down list (if necessary).The options include: US/International French (France) German (Germany) Japanese United Kingdom Korean (Korea) French (Belgium) Norwegian (Norway) Portuguese (Portugal) Danish (Denmark)