Chapter 5: User Management8714. The default Secure LDAP Port is 636. Either use the default port orspecify another port. This field is only used when the Enable SecureLDAP checkbox is selected.15. Select the Enable LDAPS Server Certificate Validation checkbox touse the previously uploaded root CA certificate file to validate thecertificate provided by the server. If you do not want to use thepreviously uploaded root CA certificate file, leave this checkboxdeselected. Disabling this function is the equivalent of accepting acertificate that has been signed by an unknown certifying authority.This checkbox is only available when the Enable Secure LDAPcheckbox has been enabled.Note: When the Enable LDAPS Server Certificate Validation option isselected, in addition to using the Root CA certificate for validation,the server hostname must match the common name provided in theserver certificate.16. If needed, upload the Root CA Certificate File. This field is enabledwhen the Enable Secure LDAP option is selected. Consult yourauthentication server administrator to get the CA certificate file inBase64 encoded X-509 format for the LDAP/LDAPS server. UseBrowse to navigate to the certificate file. If you are replacing acertificate for the LDAP/LDAPS server with a new certificate, youmust reboot the KX II-101-V2 in order for the new certificate to takeeffect.Test LDAP Server Access