Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers45Import/Export Keyboard MacrosMacros exported from Active KVM Client (AKC) cannot be imported intoMulti-Platform Client (MPC) or Virtual KVM Client (VKC). Macrosexported from MPC or VKC cannot be imported into AKC.To import macros:1. Choose Keyboard > Import Keyboard Macros to open the ImportMacros dialog. Browse to the folder location of the macro file.2. Click on the macro file and click Open to import the macro.a. If too many macros are found in the file, an error message isdisplayed and the import terminates once OK is selected.b. If the import fails, an error dialog appears and a messageregarding why the import failed is displayed. Select OK tocontinue the import without importing the macros that cannot beimported.3. Select the macros to be imported by checking their correspondingcheckbox or using the Select All or Deselect All options.4. Click OK to begin the import.a. If a duplicate macro is found, the Import Macros dialog appears.Do one of the following: Click Yes to replace the existing macro with the importedversion. Click Yes to All to replace the currently selected and anyother duplicate macros that are found. Click No to keep the original macro and proceed to the nextmacro Click No to All keep the original macro and proceed to thenext macro. Any other duplicates that are found are skippedas well. Click Cancel to stop the import. Alternatively, click Rename to rename the macro and importit. If Rename is selected, the Rename Macro dialog appears.Enter a new name for the macro in the field and click OK.The dialog closes and the process proceeds. If the namethat is entered is a duplicate of a macro, an alert appearsand you are required to enter another name for the macro.b. If during the import process the number of allowed, importedmacros is exceeded, a dialog appears. Click OK to attempt tocontinue importing macros or click Cancel to stop the importprocess.