Chapter 7: Managing USB Connections127OverviewTo broaden the KX II-101-V2's compatibility with different KVM targetservers, Raritan provides a user defined real-time selection of USBconfiguration profile options for a wide range of operating system andBIOS-level server implementations.The default USB Connection Settings meet the needs of the vastmajority of deployed KVM target server configurations. Additionalconfiguration items are provided to meet the specific needs of othercommonly deployed server configurations (for example, Linux® and MacOS X. There are also a number of configuration items, designated byplatform name and BIOS revision) to enhance virtual media functioncompatibility with the target server, for example, when operating at theBIOS level.USB profiles are configured on the Device Settings > Port Configuration> Port page of the KX II-101-V2 Remote Console. A device administratorcan configure the port with the profiles that best meet the needs of theuser and the target server configuration.WARNING: It is possible, based on the selections you make in theAdvanced USB Connection Settings section, to cause configurationproblems between the KX II-101-V2 and the target server.Therefore, Raritan strongly recommends that you refer to the mostrecent User Defined KX II-101-V2 USB Profile Configuration Tablehyperlink, which can be accessed directly from the Advanced USBConnection Settings section on the Port page. The information availableat the time of this publication can be found in Known USB Profiles.A user connecting to a KVM target server chooses among these USBConnection Settings depending on the operational state of the KVMtarget server. For example, if the server is running and the user wants touse the Windows® operating system, it would be best to use the defaultsettings. But if the user wants to change settings in the BIOS menu orboot from a virtual media drive, depending on the target server model, adifferent USB Connection Setting may be more appropriate.Should none of the USB Connection settings provided by Raritan workwith a given KVM target, please contact Raritan Technical Support forassistance.USB Connection SettingsTo define USB connections for the target server:1. Click Device Settings > Port Configuration to open the PortConfiguration page. Click on the port you want to configure.