Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers38Logging OutTo quit the KX II-101-V2: Click Logout in the upper right-hand corner of the page.Note: Logging out also closes any open Virtual KVM Client and serialclient sessions.Multi-Platform Client (MPC)Raritan Multi-Platform Client (MPC) is a graphical user interface for theRaritan product lines, providing remote access to target serversconnected to Raritan KVM over IP devices. For details on using MPC,see the KVM and Serial Access Clients Guide available on Raritan'swebsite on the same page as the user guide. Instructions on launchingMPC are provided there.Please note this client is used by various Raritan products. As such,references to other products may appear in this section of help.Virtual KVM Client (VKC)Please note this client is used by various Raritan products. As such,references to other products may appear in this section of help.OverviewWhenever you access a target server using the Remote Console, aVirtual KVM Client (VKC) window opens. There is one Virtual KVM Clientfor the target server you are connected to. This windows is accessed viathe Windows® task bar.Virtual KVM Client windows can be minimized, maximized, and movedaround your computer desktop.Note: Refreshing your HTML browser closes the Virtual KVM Clientconnection, so exercise caution.Note: If you are using Firefox 3.0.3, you may experience problemslaunching the application. If this occurs, clear the browser cache andlaunch the application again.