Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration21Configure the KX II-101-V2 Using a Terminal Emulation Program (Optional)You can use the Admin serial console with a terminal emulation programlike HyperTerminal to set the following configuration parameters for theKX II-101-V2: IP address Subnet mask address Gateway address IP autoconfiguration LAN speed LAN interface modeTo use a terminal emulation program with the KX II-101-V2, you mustfirst connect the included RS-232 serial cable from the Admin port on theKX II-101-V2 to a COM port on your PC.For demonstration purposes, the terminal emulation program describedin this section is HyperTerminal. You can use any terminal emulationprogram.To use a terminal emulation program to configure the KX II-101-V2:1. Connect to the Admin port on the KX II-101-V2 and the COM1 porton the PC.2. Launch the terminal emulation program you want to use to configurethe KX II-101-V2.3. Set the following port settings in the terminal emulation program: Bits per second - 115200 Data bits - 8 Parity - None Stop bits - 1 Flow control - None4. Connect to the KX II-101-V2. The login page opens.5. Type the administrator username and press Enter. You are promptedto enter your password.6. Type the default administrator name admin and press Enter. You arepromoted to enter your password.7. At the Admin Port > prompt, type config and press Enter.8. At the Config > prompt, type network and press Enter.9. To configure new network settings, at the Network prompt, typeinterface followed by one of the following commands and itsappropriate argument (option), then press Enter.