Chapter 5: User Management8817. The KX II-101-V2 provides you with the ability to test the LDAPconfiguration from the Authentication Settings page due to thecomplexity sometimes encountered with successfully configuring theLDAP server and KX II-101-V2 for remote authentication. To test theLDAP configuration, enter the login name and password in the"Login for testing" field and the "Password for testing" fieldrespectively. This is the username and password you entered toaccess the KX II-101-V2 and that the LDAP server will use toauthenticate you. Click Test.Once the test is completed, a message will be displayed that lets youknow the test was successful or, if the test failed, a detailed errormessage will be displayed. It will display successful result or detailerror message in failure case. It also can display group informationretrieved from remote LDAP server for the test user in case ofsuccess.Returning User Group Information from Active Directory ServerThe KX II-101-V2 supports user authentication to Active Directory® (AD)without requiring that users be defined locally on the KX II-101-V2. Thisallows Active Directory user accounts and passwords to be maintainedexclusively on the AD server. Authorization and AD user privileges arecontrolled and administered through the standard KX II-101-V2 policiesand user group privileges that are applied locally to AD user groups.IMPORTANT: If you are an existing Raritan, Inc. customer, and havealready configured the Active Directory server by changing the ADschema, the KX II-101-V2 still supports this configuration and youdo not need to perform the following operations. See Updating theLDAP Schema for information about updating the AD LDAP/LDAPSschema.To enable your AD server on the KX II-101-V2:1. Using the KX II-101-V2, create special groups and assign properpermissions and privileges to these groups. For example, creategroups such as KVM_Admin and KVM_Operator.