Chapter 6: Device Management107 Modem server IP address - The address the user types to accessthe KX II-101-V2 web interface once connected via modem. Modem client IP address - The address assigned to the useronce connected via modem.4. Click OK.See Modem Access Cable Connections (on page 107) for details onthe cable connection for modem access and see Certified Modems (onpage 177) for details on certified modems that work with the KX II-101-V2. For information on settings that will give you the best performancewhen connecting to the KX II-101-V2 via modem, see Creating,Modifying and Deleting Profiles in MPC in the KVM and SerialClients Guide.Modem Access Cable ConnectionsUse the following cable connection configuration to connect the KX II-101-V2 to a modem:1. Connect an admin serial cable to the KX II-101-V2.2. Connect a 9 pin male/male gender changer to the admin serial cable.3. Connect a null modem cable to other side of the gender changer.4. Connect the 9 pin male/male gender changer to other end of the nullmodem cable.5. Connect a DB9 to male DB25 modem cable between the null modemcable and the modem.Configuring Date/Time SettingsUse the Date/Time Settings page to specify the date and time for the KXII-101-V2. There are two ways to do this: Manually set the date and time. Synchronize the date and time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP)server.To set the date and time:1. Choose Device Settings > Date/Time. The Date/Time Settings pageopens.2. Choose your time zone from the Time Zone drop-down list.3. Adjust for daylight savings time by checking the "Adjust for daylightsavings time" checkbox.4. Choose the method to use to set the date and time: User Specified Time - use this option to input the date and timemanually. For the User Specified Time option, enter the date andtime. For the time, use the hh:mm format (using a 24-hour clock).