Chapter 6: Device Management112Trap Name DescriptiondeviceUpgradeStarted The KX II-101-V2 has begun update via an RFPfile.factoryReset The device has been reset to factory defaults.firmwareFileDiscarded Firmware file was discarded.firmwareUpdateFailed Firmware update failed.firmwareValidationFailed Firmware validation failed.groupAdded A group has been added to the KX II-101-V2system.groupDeleted A group has been deleted from the system.groupModified A group has been modified.networkFailure An Ethernet interface of the product can no longercommunicate over the network.networkParameterChanged A change has been made to the networkparameters.networkParameterChangedv2A change has been made to the KX II-101-V2network parameters.passwordSettingsChanged Strong password settings have changed.portConnect A previously authenticated user has begun a KVMsession.portConnectv2 A previously authenticated KX II-101-V2 user hasbegun a KVM session.portConnectionDenied A connection to the target port was denied.portDisconnect A user engaging in a KVM session closes thesession properly.portDisconnectv2 A KX II-101-V2 user engaging in a KVM sessioncloses the session properly.portStatusChange The port has become unavailable.powerNotification The power outlet status notification: 1=Active,0=Inactive.powerOutletNotification Power strip device outlet status notification.rebootCompleted The KX II-101-V2 has completed its reboot.rebootStarted The KX II-101-V2 has begun to reboot, eitherthrough cycling power to the system or by a warmreboot from the OS.securityBannerAction Security banner was accepted or rejected.