Portal Configuration Commands 371Interval: 60s Retry Times: 5VLAN Portal Configuration:VLAN 3 : Portal Started Portal Server: pt2Index State MAC IP VLAN Port# Display the statistics about Portal ACM.[SW8800] display portal acm statisticsACM Statistics Running State StatisticsWAIT_MAC_ACK 0DISCOVERED 0WAIT_AUTH_ACK 0WAIT_LOGIN_ACK 0WAIT_ACL_ACK 0WAIT_NEW_IP 0ONLINE 0WAIT_LOGOUT_ACK 0Message Statistics :MSG NAME RCV MSG NUMPT_MSG_AUTH_ACK 0PT_MSG_LOGIN_ACK 0PT_MSG_LOGOUT_ACK 0PT_MSG_LEAVING_ACK 0PT_MSG_CUT_REQ 0PT_MSG_MAC_ACK 0PT_MSG_ACL_ACK 0PT_MSG_ARPPKT 77PT_MSG_TMR_AUT 0PT_MSG_TMR_LGN 0PT_MSG_TMR_LGT 0PT_MSG_TMR_LEV 0PT_MSG_TMR_HDS 85249PT_MSG_ARP_FAIL 0PT_MSG_TMR_ACL 0PT_MSG_TMR_MAC 0PT_MSG_TMR_NIP 0ERROR Statistics:MEM Error: 0 RCV MSG ERR: 0 SND MSG ERR: 0Table 46 Description on the fields of the display portal commandField DescriptionRun Method Portal servers run in one of the three methods: direct, ReDHCPand Layer3Free IP Free IP addresses. A Portal server will use one free IP addressautomaticallyFree User Authentication-free usersPortal Server The basic information about the configuration of a Portal server,including its IP address, key, port and URL that HTTP redirectsARP-HandShake The information about the ARP handshake, including the intervalof handshake and retry times.VLAN Portal Configuration Information about the Portal-enabled VLANs, including whetherPortal is enabled, the name of the enabled Portal server, and theinformation about the connecting users (including the users’state, MAC address, IP address, connecting port and so on).