3.13 Test run after installation, maintenance, or repairSafe handlingUse the following procedure after installation, maintenance, or repair, beforeinitiating motion.DANGERInitiating motion without fulfilling the following aspects, may increase the risk forinjury or cause damage to the robot.ActionRemove all tools and foreign objects from the robot and its working area.1Verify that the robot is properly secured to its position by all screws, before it is poweredup.2Verify that any safety equipment installed to secure the position or restrict the robotmotion during service activity is removed.3Verify that the fixture and work piece are well secured, if applicable.4Verify that all safety equipment is installed, as designed for the application.5Verify that no personnel are inside the safeguarded space.6If maintenance or repair has been done, verify the function of the part that was main-tained.7Verify the application in the operating mode manual reduced speed.8Collision risksCAUTIONWhen programming the movements of the robot, always identify potential collisionrisks before initiating motion.112 Product manual - DressPack IRB 57103HAC082052-001 Revision: D© Copyright 2022-2024 ABB. All rights reserved.3 Installation3.13 Test run after installation, maintenance, or repair