4.2 Maintenance schedule and component life4.2.1 Maintenance scheduleGeneralThe DressPack must be maintained regularly to ensure its function. The lifetimeof a process cable package can be extended with the correct preventivemaintenance activities. A daily visual check of the DressPack is highlyrecommended, which is normally performed by robot production personnel. It isessential that the person performing the visual check have basic training in ABBDressPack.Wear partsWear parts should be replaced before considerable damage occurs to the processcable package. Replace wear parts before the part is completely damaged.The following parts are considered as wear parts:• Protection sleeves• Protective hose• Slide sleevesActivities and intervals, standard equipmentThe sections referred to in the table can be found in the different chapters for eachmaintenance activity.The table below specifies the required maintenance activities and intervals:Detailed in section:IntervalEquipmentMaintenanceactivityPreventive inspection of allcables, DressPack on page 116Regularly iAll cablesInspectionPreventive inspection,DressPack upper arm onpage 118Regularly iDressPack upper armInspectionCleaning, DressPack upperarm on page 122Regularly iDressPack upper armCleaningi "Regularly" implies that the activity is to be performed regularly, but the actual interval may not bespecified by the robot manufacturer. The interval depends on the operation cycle of the robot, itsworking environment and movement pattern.Generally, the more contaminated the environment, the closer the maintenance intervals. Also, themore demanding the movement pattern (sharper bending cable harness), the closer the intervals.DressPack upper arm cable packageBased on experience, some parts are more exposed to wear. Therefore theDressPack upper arm cable package should be inspected according to the followingschedule.ActionIntervalNoneWeeklyInspection wearEvery two weeksInspectionEvery third monthContinues on next page114 Product manual - DressPack IRB 57103HAC082052-001 Revision: D© Copyright 2022-2024 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Maintenance4.2.1 Maintenance schedule