Stop with RAPID instructionsThere are several RAPID instructions available that stops the robot.ArgumentsDescriptionInstruction\Stop: similar to a normal pro-gram stop with stop button.Stops all robots in all tasks imme-diately.SystemStopAction\StopBlock: as above, but to re-start the PP has to be moved.\Halt: this is like a category 0stop, i.e. it will result in motors offstate, stop of program executionand robot movements in all motiontasks. The Motors on button mustbe pressed before the programexecution can be restarted.\NoRegain: the robot will not re-turn to the stop point when restar-ted, e.g. after having been joggedaway.The current move instruction willbe finished before the robot stops.A restart will continue the programexecution.Stop\AllMoveTasks: all robots will bestopped.\AllMotionTasks: all robots willbe stopped.The current move instruction willbe stopped immediately as a nor-mal program stop but the programexecution will continue with thenext instruction. StartMove mustbe executed to get the robot mov-ing again.StopMoveThe current move instruction andthe program execution will bestopped immediately as a normalprogram stop. A restart of the pro-gram will continue the programexecution.DebugBreakThe current move instruction andthe program execution will bestopped immediately as a normalprogram stop. After stop the Pro-gram Pointer is lost and has to bereset to Main.EXITThe current move instruction andprogram execution will be stoppedimmediately. The Program Pointerwill be moved to Main and if run-ning mode is continuous, the pro-gram will be restarted.EXITCYCLEContinues on next page100 Product manual - OmniCore E103HAC079399-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2019-2022 ABB. All rights reserved.3 Installation and commissioning3.5.10 Programmable stop functionsContinued