5 Repair5.1 Introduction to repairStructure of this chapterThis chapter describes all repair activities recommended for the OmniCore E10and any external unit.It is made up of separate procedures, each describing a specific repair activity.Each procedure contains all the information required to perform the activity, forexample spare parts numbers, required special tools, and materials.All procedures assume that the controller is easy to access from all sides and thatno additional covers or equipment are fitted.WARNINGRepair activities not described in this chapter must only be carried out by ABB.Otherwise damage to the mechanics and electronics may occur.Required equipmentThe details of the equipment required to perform a specific repair activity are listedin the respective procedures.Safety informationThere are general safety information and specific safety information. The specificsafety information describes the danger and safety risks while performing specificsteps in a procedure. Make sure to read through the chapter Safety on page 13before commencing any service work.WARNINGWait at least three minutes after powering off the controller before opening it andat least fifteen minutes until all LED indicators are off before replacing modules.NoteWhen replacing a part on the OmniCore E10, report to your local ABB the serialnumber, the article number, and the revision of both the replaced unit and thereplacement unit.This is particularly important for safety equipment to maintain the safety integrityof the installation.Product manual - OmniCore E10 1193HAC079399-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2019-2022 ABB. All rights reserved.5 Repair5.1 Introduction to repair