China RoHS symbolThe following symbol shows the information to hazardous substances and theenvironmental protection use period of OmniCore E10 according to "ManagementMethods for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical andElectronic Products (SJ/T 11364-2014) ".xx1900000804Orange symbol with a number in it: The product contains certain hazardoussubstances and can be used safely during its environmental protection use period(as indicated by the number in the center) which should enter into the recyclingsystem after its environmental protection use period.OmniCore E10Controller NameHazardous substanceParts NamePolybrom-inated di-phenylethersPolybrom-inated bi-phenylsHexa-valentchromiumCadmiumMercuryLead○○○○○○Cabinet○○○○○○Drive unit○○○○○○Power unit○○○○○○Computer and logicunit○○○○○xSmall fan○○○○○xCable harness○○○○○○AccessoriesThis table was developed according to the provisions of SJ/T 11364.○: The content of such hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials of such com-ponent is below the limit required by GB/T 26572.x: The content of such hazardous substance in a certain homogeneous materials of suchcomponent is beyond the limit required by GB/T 26572.The replacement of the hazardous substances that contained in this product CANNOT beachieved due to restricted by the global technological development level.NoteThis form and environmental protection use period label are based on theregulation in China. These are not necessary to be concerned in other countries.Product manual - OmniCore E10 1973HAC079399-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2019-2022 ABB. All rights reserved.7 Decommissioning7.2 Environmental informationContinued