7 Decommissioning7.1 IntroductionIntroductionThis section contains information to consider when taking a product, robot orcontroller, out of operation.It deals with how to handle potentially dangerous components and potentiallyhazardous materials.GeneralAll used grease/oils and dead batteries must be disposed of in accordance withthe current legislation of the country in which the robot and the control unit areinstalled.If the robot or the control unit is partially or completely disposed of, the variousparts must be grouped together according to their nature (which is all iron togetherand all plastic together), and disposed of accordingly. These parts must also bedisposed of in accordance with the current legislation of the country in which therobot and control unit are installed.Disposal of storage mediaBefore disposal of any storage equipment (anything from an SD card to a completecontroller), make sure that all sensitive information has been deleted.TipTo remove all data from the OmniCore controller, use the Delete user datafunction (part of Delete RobotWare system function) in RobotWare. SeeOperating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore.Product manual - OmniCore E10 1953HAC079399-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2019-2022 ABB. All rights reserved.7 Decommissioning7.1 Introduction