SignificanceDescriptionThe computer status LED indicates the startup progress of RobotWareon the computer and logic unit.Computer status,Computer(red/green) Normal behavior:1 Red, solid: Default when turning on the power.2 Red, flashing (~1Hz): Initial self-test is ongoing and the operatingsystem is loading.3 Green, even flashing (~1Hz): The operating system is loaded andRobotWare is initializing.4 Green, uneven flashing (~1Hz): The RobotWare system failed toload or is not installed.5 Green, solid: The computer is operational and the RobotWaresystem is fully loaded.If the LED does not turn steady green after approximately 5 minutes thenthe LED can be used to identify the following issues:• No color: The internal power initialization failed. Restart the con-troller. Replace the computer and logic unit if the problem remains.• Red, solid: Internal error. Restart the controller. Replace thecomputer and logic unit if the problem remains.• Red, flashing continuously: Failed to load the operating system.Restart the controller. See Controller fails to start on page 181.Replace the computer and logic unit if the problem remains.• Green, even flashing continuously (~1Hz): Failure during start up.Check error messages on FlexPendant. See Controller fails tostart on page 181.• Green, uneven flashing: RobotWare Installation Utilities mode.The Auto mode LED indicates that the robot controller is in automaticmode or not.• On: Automatic mode• Off: Non-automatic modeAuto mode(white)The Attention LED indicates that any fault is detected or not.• On: Signal SYS_Fault is active.• Off: Signal SYS_Fault is de-active.Attention (white)The Emergency Stop LED indicates that the robot is in E-STOP statusor not.• On: Robot is in E-STOP status.• Off: Robot is not in E-STOP status.Emergency Stop(white)The Ready/Executing LED indicates that the robot is in Motor on statusor not.• On: Robot is motor on.• Off: Robot is motor off.Ready/Executing(white)194 Product manual - OmniCore E103HAC079399-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2019-2022 ABB. All rights reserved.6 Troubleshooting6.3.5 Troubleshooting the computer and logic unitContinued