6.2.9 Inconsistent path accuracyDescriptionThe path of the robot TCP is not consistent. It varies from time to time, and issometimes accompanied by noise emerging from bearings, gearboxes, or otherlocations.Possible causesThe symptom can be caused by (the causes are listed in order of probability):• Robot not calibrated correctly.• Robot TCP not correctly defined.• Parallel bar damaged (applies to robots fitted with parallel bars only).• Mechanical joint between motor and gearbox damaged. This often causesnoise to be emitted from the faulty motor.• Bearings damaged or worn (especially if the path inconsistency is coupledwith clicking or grinding noises from one or more bearings).• The wrong robot type may be connected to the controller.• The brakes may not be releasing correctly.Recommended working procedureThe path accuracy depends on many factors. The following table describes themost common causes of problems with the path accuracy. Depending on yourinstallation, the recommended working procedure is to work step by step, startingwith the step that seems most plausible given your circumstances.NoteActionRemove the obstacles.Study the path of the robot in motion, tofind if an external force, for example, anexternal cable package, is colliding withor restricting the movement of the robot.1Improve the ventilation around the robot.In high temperature environments, thematerial in the robot can expand, therebycausing inconsistent path accuracy.2How to define these are described in Oper-ating manual - OmniCore.Make sure the robot tool and work objectare correctly defined.3Update if required.Check the positions of the revolutioncounters.4How to calibrate the robot is described inthe product manual for the robot.If required, re-calibrate the robot axes.5Replace the faulty motor, gearbox, or bearingas specified in the product manual for therobot.If you hear noise that has not been therebefore, locate the source to define if amotor or bearing is faulty.6Study the path of the robot TCP to estab-lish which axis, and thus which motor,may be faulty.Replace the faulty parallel bar as specifiedin the product manual for the robot.Check the trueness of the parallel bar(applies to robots fitted with parallel barsonly).7Continues on next pageProduct manual - OmniCore E10 1833HAC079399-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2019-2022 ABB. All rights reserved.6 Troubleshooting6.2.9 Inconsistent path accuracy