Chapter 66-6[1] Laser drive ICDC-CON: DC controller PCB6.3.3 Controlling the Laser Scanner Motor6.3.3.1 Controlling the Laser Scanner Motor0009-4078The machine controls the laser scanner motor so that the motor always rotates at a specific speed.The control mechanism takes place in the motor speed control block on the DC controller PCB and the reference signal generation block.The motor speed control block detects the speed detection signal (FG, BD), and compares it against the reference signal generated by the reference signalgeneration block; it then controls the acceleration signal (ACC) and the deceleration signal (DEC) so that the motor will rotate at a specific speed.The machine switches over speed detection to suit the current printer state, thereby reducing the time used to control the scanner motor.The FG signal is a detection signal used for rough adjustment of the motor speed, while the BD signal is a detection point signal used to fine-tune the motorspeed.T-6-3F-6-6ERROR CODE:E110 (scanner motor error)-0001: after the scanner motor has been started up, the FG signal is not detected within a specific period of time, or while the scanner motor is rotating ata stable speed, the FG signal is not detected.Start-up startup -> half speed FG controlhalf speed -> full speed FG -> BD controlSTBY half speed FG controlImaging full speed BD controlDeceleration full speed -> half speed BD -> FG controlhalf speed -> stop FG controlFGJ116 J2511ACCDECLaser scannermotorDC controller PCBM15MotorspeedcontrolblockReferencesignalgenerationblockBD PCBBDJ2701