Chapter 99-19.1 Construction9.1.1 Specifications, Control Mechanisms, and Functions0009-1153The following shows the major functions of the machine's fixing system:T-9-19.1.2 Major Components0009-1217The following shows the major components of the machine's fixing system:Item DescriptionFixing method IH fixingFixing heater IH heaterFixing roller 40 mm dia., 0.65 mm thickPressure roller 38 mm outside dia.Control temperature decreased gradually from 205 deg C (at standby, 17 deg C or higher)decreased gradually from 215 deg C (at standby, lower than 17 deg C)Fixing drive control by fixing roller speed control (speed control according to paper type)Fixing temperature detention - Main Thermistor (THM1, contact)fixing roller center; 12 mm reciprocating widthtemperature control, error detection- Sub Thermistor (THM2, contact)fixing roller rear; no reciprocating mechanismshutter control, error detection- Shutter thermistor (THM3; contact)fixing roller rear; 12 mm reciprocating widthshutter control, error detectionProtective mechanism Executes the following error detection; in response to an error, cuts power to thefixing heater:- thermistor temperature detention (THM1/THM2/THM3)- thermal switch (TP1)operating temperature: 200 +/-5 deg CSeparation claw upper separation claw: contact type (3 mm reciprocating width)lower separation claw: contact type (no reciprocating mechanism)Bias application noStatic eliminator yes; for both fixing roller and pressure rollerCleaning mechanism oil application by webInlet guide re-configured according to paper type/lengthExtra-small size support control of heating area by flux blocking plate (shutter)Pressure release mechanism no