Chapter 1515-18While e-mail is being transmitted or i-fax is transmitted/received, the communication with the SMTP serverencountered a timeout error because of a factorassociated with the main server.1. Check to see that SMTP is operating normally.2. Check the condition of the network.While an SMTP connection is being used, the SMTPserver has returned an error.The address setting is not correct.When data is transmitted to the file server, an error hasoccurred owing to a factor associated with the server.1. Check to see if SMTP is operating normally.2. Check the condition of the network.3. Check the address setting.4. Check the condition of the file server and the setting.An attempt has been made to transmit data to an addressnot authorized for a write operation.Check the address setting.In the course of transmitting data (file server), it wasfound that there is a file having the same name, and anoverwrite operation to the file is prohibited.Change the setting of the file server so that overwritingmay be permitted.In relation to transmission (file server), the folder nameor the password that has been specified is wrong.Check the address setting.# 802In the system control setup (user mode), the settings ofthe SMTP server for e-mail/i-fax are wrong.The setting of the DNS server is wrong.The attempt to connect to the DNS server has failed.In the network settings under system control settings(user mode), check the SMTP server name and the DNSserver name. Check to see if the DNS server is operatingnormally.# 803Before all pages have been transmitted, the target has cutoff the network.Try once again.# 804When an attempt is made to transmit to the file server, ithas been found that no match exits in the specifieddirectory.Check the address.You are not authorized for access to the folder. Set the server so that you will be authorized to access thefolder.# 806When an attempt to transmit to the file server is made, ithas been found that the specified user name or passwordis wrong.Change the user name or the password of the address.The address specified for e-mail/i-fax transmission iswrong.Check the address of the e-mail/i-fax in question.# 810When an attempt is made to receive i-fax, a POP serverconnection error has occurred.1. In user mode, check the POP server name setting.2. Check the operation of the POP server.3. Check the condition of the network.While a connection is made to the POP server, an errorhas been returned by the POP server.1. In user mode, check the POP server name setting.2. Check the operation of the POP server.3. Check the condition of the network.While a connection is made to the POP server, a timeouterror has occurred owing to a factor associated with theserver.1. In user mode, check the POP server name setting.2. Check the operation of the POP server.3. Check the condition of the network.# 815If a file that has been transmitted to the file server isbeing printed, you will not be able to log in to the serverin question.Wait a while, and then try once again. Or, change theNetWare server settings of the target, or stop PServer.# 818The data that has been received is in a format that doesnot permit printing.Ask the source to change the file format and transmit itonce again.# 819The data that has been received is of a type that cannotbe handled (i.e., its MIME information is illegal).Ask the target to check the settings and transmit it onceagain.# 820The data that has been received is of a type that cannotbe handled (i.e., BASE64 or Unicode is illegal).Ask the source to check the settings and transmit it onceagain.# 821The data that has been received is of a type that cannotbe handled (i.e., TIFF interpretation error has occurred).Ask the target to check the settings and transmit onceagain.# 822The data that has been received is of a type that cannotbe handled (i.e., the image cannot be decoded).Ask the source to check the settings and transmit onceagain.# 827The data that has been received is of a type that cannotbe handed (i.e., part of its MIME information is notsupported).Ask the source to check the settings and transmit onceagain.# 828HTML data has been received. Ask the source to use a format other than HTML.Cause Remedy