Chapter 88-218.6 Deck8.6.1 Lifter Operation (right/left deck)0009-3165When the deck is slid into the machine, the deck open/closed sensor goes on and, at the same time, the pickup roller starts to move down. While all thisgoes on, the light-blocking plate leaves the lifter sensor, causing the deck lifter motor to go on and the lifter to move up.The lifter stops to move up when the lifter sensor detects the surface of paper. The left/right deck, further, is equipped with a limiter to make sure that thelifter stops before it moves past the lifter sensor.When the open button of the deck or the cassette is pushed, the drive gear of the lifter becomes disengaged, letting the lifter to move down under its ownweight.T-8-16The following diagram shows the components of the deck:F-8-218.6.2 Lifter Limiter (right/left deck) Control Circuit0009-3166When the CPU on the DC controller PCB generates the motor drive signal, the lifter motor in response starts to rotate to move the lifter. When the deckreaches the lifter sensor, the deck lifter detection signal arrives at the CPU, causing the CPU to stop the deck lifter drive motor.The machine is equipped with a deck limit sensor to make sure that the lifter will not go awry. When the surface of paper reaches the deck limit sensor,the limit signal arrives at the DC controller PCB to cut off the drive signal, thereby stopping the limit motor.The following block diagram shows the control circuit:Right deck Left deckCassette opening/closingright deck left deckDetection open/closed sensor (PS5) open/closed sensor (PS9)Lifter positiondetectionRight deck lifter sensor(PS6) left deck lifter sensor (PS10)Paper detection right deck paper sensor (PS7) left deck paper sensor (PS11)Paper level sensor right deck paper level uppersensor (PS47)left deck paper level upper sensor(PS49)right deck paper level lowersensor (PS48)left deck paper level lowersensor(PS50)Lifter upper limiter right deck limit sensor (PS8) left deck limit sensor(PS12)Drive motor right deck lifter motor (M4) left deck lifter motor(M5)Paper sensorPaperdetectingleverFeed rollerSeparation rollerLifterPaperDeck open/closedsensorLifter sensorPickup rollerPickup rollerRetry sensorLiftpositionleverLimitersensor