Chapter 1313-31F-13-65[1] Feeding roller[2] Separation roller[3] Pressure lever[4] Pressure spring13.8.5 Adjusting the Pressure of the SeparationRoller of the Manual Feed Tray0009-5528If double feeding or pickup failure occurs during pickup, adjust theposition of the pres-sure spring of the separation roller.1) Remove the right upper cover.2) Remove the upper guide [1].F-13-66- If double feeding occurs, remove the mounting screw [1], and lowerthe mounting base [2]; then, tighten the mounting screw [1] in holeA.- If pickup failure occurs, remove the mounting screw [1], and raise themounting base [2]; then, tighten the mounting screw [1] in hole B.F-13-6713.8.6 Adjusting the Position of the Pickup Solenoid(SL3, SL4) of the Cassette 3/40009-5532Adjust the position of the solenoid using the two screws [3] so that thedistance from the bottom of the pickup assembly to A of the roller armis 36-/+0.5 mm when [1] and [2] are op-erated.F-13-6813.8.7 Adjusting the Position of the Delivery FlapperSolenoid (SL5)0009-5535Adjust the position of the mounting screw [2] using the screw [2] so thatthe drive lever [1] is pushed fully when the solenoid turns on (i.e., whenthe plunger is drawn).F-13-6913.8.8 Adjusting the Position of the Right DeckPickup Solenoid (SL6)0009-5536Adjust the position of the solenoid so that the left edge of the arm 2 is57.2 -/+0.5 mm from the center of hole A of the solenoid mounting base.F-13-7013.8.9 Adjusting the Position of the Left Deck PickupSolenoid (SL7)0009-5537Before removing the left deck pickup solenoid from the support plate[1], take note of its position with reference to the fixing screw [2] of the[1][2]AB[3][4][1][1][2]hole Ahole B[1][2][1][2]AA36 0.5mm[3][2][1][A]57.2 0.5mm