Chapter 1515-17There is a shortage of memory, not permittingtransmission.1. Decrease the resolution, and try once again.2. Remove unnecessary files to increase available space.# 701The group ID set when the job was introduced no longerexits. Or, the password has been changed.Type in the correct group ID or the ID No. (using thekeypad); then, start over.# 702The memory is full, not permitting transmission. 1. Wait a while. Try again until the ongoing transmissionof a job ends.2. Try not to transmit to too many addresses at once;rather, try dividing the address into smaller groups.# 703The memory image area is full, not permitting furtherwriting.1. Wait a while. Try transmitting after the ongoingtransmission of a job ends.2. Remove files from the Box; if the operation still failsto return to normal, turn off and then back on the mainpower.# 704An error has occurred while an attempt is made to obtainaddress information from the address book.Check the settings of the address, and try once again; ifthe operation is still not normal, try turning off and thenback on the main power.# 705The image data size is in excess of the upper limitimposed on transmission data size set in user mode, thuscausing suspension of transmission.Try changing the upper limit imposed on transmissiondata size as part of the communication control settings ofsystem control settings (user mode). When selecting lowresolution mode or using i-fax, try decreasing thenumber of images to send at one time so that thetransmission will not be in excess of the upper limitimposed on transfer data size.# 706An address table is being imported from or to the remoteUI; or, a different transmission component is being used.Start over once again.# 711All memory of the Box is used. Delete files from the Box.# 712The Box is full of files. Remove file from the Box.# 713The file has been removed from the Box beforetransmitting the URL.Put the file in question back into the Box, and start over.# 751The server is yet to start up. The network isdisconnected. (The connection to the target may havefailed, or the connection may have been cut in themiddle.)Check the target. Check the network.# 752The SMTP server name of the e-main/i-fax in questionmay be wrong, or the server in question is yet to start up.Or, the appropriate domain name or e-mail address hasnot been set. Or, the network has been disconnected.Using the network settings of the system control setup(user mode), check the SMTP server name, domainname, and e-mail address. Check to see that the SMTPserver is operating normally. Check the connection ofthe network.# 753A TCP/IP error has occurred in the course of e-mailtransmission. (e.g., socket, select error)Check the condition of the network cable and theconnector. If the operation does not return to normal, tryturning off and then back on the main power of themachine.# 754The server has not been started up for transmission, orthe network is disconnected. Or, the target settings arewrong.Check the server and the network. Check the settings ofthe target.# 755The TCP/IP settings are not operating normally, thus notpermitting transmission.In user mode, check the TCP/IP settings.The appropriate IP address has not been set up. In user mode, check the TCP/IP settings.When the machine is started up, its IP address is notassigned by means of DHCP, RARP, or BOOTP.In user mode, check the TCP/IP settings.# 756In system control setup (user mode), 'use NetWare' is setto 'off' in NetWare settings.In network settings of system control setup (user mode),set 'use NetWare' to 'on'.# 801Cause Remedy