Chapter 1616-44NS-NTLM Use it to limit the use of NTLM authentication for SMTP authentication.setting0: as determined by SMTP server (default)1: do not use2NS-PLNWS Use it to limit the use of PLAIN, LOGIN authentication, which is plain-textauthentication of SMTP authentication (however, only where PLAIN,LOGIN authentication restrictive communication packets are encrypted).setting0: as determined by SMTP server (default)1: do not use2NS-PLN Use it to limit the use of PLAIN, LOGIN authentication, which is plain-textauthentication of SMTP authentication (however, only where PLAIN,LOGIN authentication restrictive communication packets are not encrypted).setting0: as determined by SMTP server (default)1: do not use2NS-LGN Use it to limit the use of LOGIN authentication for restrictive SMTPauthentication of LOGIN authentication.setting0: as determined by SMTP server (default)1: do not use2MEAP-PN Use it to change the HTTP port number of a MEAP application.setting: 0 to 65535 (default: 8000) 2SVMD-ENT Use it to see how to start service mode:setting0: User Mode key -> 2 and 8 keys at the same time -> User Mode key(default)1: User Mode key -> 4 and 9 keys at the same time -> User Mode key2SSH-SW Use it to enable/disable the SSH server function.Setting0: off (default)1: on2RMT-LGIN Use it to turning the SSH server function ON or OFF.Setting0: off (default)1: on2RE-PKEY Use it to enable/disable regeneration of the SSH server key.setting0: off (default)1: on2U-NAME Use it to set user names permitting connection to the SSH server.setting8 characters max. (alphanumeric)2U-PASWD Use it to set user passwords permitting connection to the SSH server.setting8 characters max. (alphanumeric)2DA-PORT Use it to enable/disable the port for TOT asynchronous statuscommunication.setting0: close (default)1: open (w/ DA installed)2DA-CNCT Use it to set the DA.setting0: off (default)1: on2CHNG-STS Use it to set the TOT status connection port number.setting1 to 65535 (default: 20010)2CHNG-CMD Use it to set the TOT command connection port number.setting1 to 65535 (default: 20000)2MEAP-DSP Use it to enable/disable a shift from the MEAP to native screen.setting0: off (shift to native seen; default)1: on (do not shift to native screen)2ANIM-SW Use it to enable/disable display of the Error/Jam screen with a MEAPapplication in operation.setting0: off (display warning screen; default)1: on (do not display warning screen)2MEAP-SSL Use it to set the HTTPS port for MEAP.setting0 to 65535 (default: 8443)2COPIER > OPTION > BODYSub-item Description Level