Chapter 1515-60002 There is an error in the communication between thefinisher and the saddle unit.- Check the connection between the saddlestitcher controller PCB and the finisher controllerPCB.0003 There is an error in the communication between thefinisher and the punch unit.- Check the communication between the saddlestitcher controller PCB and the finisher controllerPCB.E505 There is a finisher backup memory error (finisher).0001 An error has occurred in the data stored in thebackup memory.- Turn off the main power; check the DCcontroller PCB and the finisher controller PCB forwiring; check the 24-V system fuse; then, turn themain power back on.0002 There is an error in the punch unit EEPROM data. - Turn off the main power; check the DCcontroller PCB and the puncher controller PCBfor wiring; then, check the 24-V system fuse;then, turn the main power back on.E514 There is a trailing edge assist motor error (finisher).8001 The home position sensor does not go off evenwhen the trailing edge assist motor has rotated fora specific period of time.1. Check the trailing edge assist home positionsensor. Is the sensor normal?2. Check the wiring between the finishercontroller PCB and the trailing edge assist motor.Is it normal?3. Check the trailing edge assist mechanism. Isthere a fault?4. Try replacing the trailing edge assist motor. Isthe problem corrected?8002 The home position sensor does not go on evenwhen the trailing edge assist motor has rotated fora specific period of time.E519 There is a gear change motor error (finisher).8001 The home position sensor does not go off evenwhen the gear change motor has rotated for aspecific period of time.1. Check the gear change home position sensor. Isthe sensor normal?2. Check the wiring between the finishercontroller PCB and the change motor. Is itnormal?3. Check the gear change mechanism. Is there afault?4. Try changing the gear change motor. Is theproblem corrected?0002 The home position sensor does not go on evenwhen the gear change motor has rotated for aspecific period of time.E530 There is a front alignment error. (finisher)8001 The home position sensor does not go off evenwhen the front alignment motor has rotated for aspecific period of time.1. Check the aligning plate home position sensor.Is it normal?2. Check the wiring between the finishercontroller PCB and the aligning plate front motor.Is it normal?3. Is there any mechanical obstacle in the path inwhich the aligning plate moves?4. Try replacing the aligning plate front motor. Isthe problem corrected?8002 The home position sensor does not go on evenwhen the front alignment sensor has rotated for aspecific period of time.E531 There is a stapling error. (finisher)0001 The home position sensor does not go off evenwhen the stapler motor has rotated for a specificperiod of time.1. Check the wiring between the finishercontroller PCB and the stapler. Is it normal?2. Try replacing the stapler. Is the problemcorrected?0002 The home position sensor does not go on evenwhen the stapler motor has rotated for a specificperiod time.E532 There is a stapler shift error. (finisher)8001 The home position sensor does not go off evenwhen the stapler shift motor has rotated for aspecific period of time.1. Check the stapler shift home position sensor. Isthe sensor normal?2. Check the wiring between the finishercontroller PCB and the stapler shift motor. Is itnormal?3. Is there any mechanical obstacle in the path ofthe stapler shift base?4. Try replacing the stapler shift motor. Is theproblem corrected?8002 The home position sensor does not go on evenwhen the stapler shift motor has rotated for aspecific period of time.E535 There is a swing error. (finisher)8001 The home position sensor does not go off evenwhen the wiring motor has rotated for a specificperiod of time.1. Check the wiring home position sensor. Is itnormal?2. Check the wiring between the finishercontroller PCB and the swing motor. Is it normal?3. Is there a fault in the swing mechanism?4. Try replacing the swing motor. Is the problemcorrected?8002 The home position sensor does not go on evenwhen the swing motor has rotated for a specificperiod of time.E537 There is a rear alignment error. (finisher)Code Description Remedy