Chapter 1515-19# 829The data that is being received consists of 100 pages ormore.The machine is designed so that it removes data for the100th and subsequent pages and prints or saves inmemory up to the 999th page. Ask the source to transmitthe remaining pages one again.# 830A DSN error notice has been received because of thefollowing: the i-fax address or the target settings arewrong, or the data of the file that has been transmitted isgreater than the size permitted by the mail server.1. Check the i-fax address and the target settings.2. In user mode, decrease the upper limit imposed on thesize of transmission data so that it is lower than the sizepermitted by the mail server.3. Check the condition of the mail server, DNS server,and network.# 831An attempt to receive i-fax in SMTP has failed becauseof the reception/printing range settings made as part ofthe IP address range setting in user mode.Change the reception/printing range settings made aspart of the IP address range setting in user mode.# 832In user mode, the e-mail setting or the network setting isyet to be made, causing a mail server fault and, thus,preventing reception of MDN (transmissionconfirmation) mail.1. In user mode, check the DNS setting, e-mail/i-faxsetting, and IP address made as part of the networksettings.2. Check the condition of the mail server and the DNSserver.# 833The network settings have not been made in user modeor there is a mail-server related fault, thus preventing thetransmission of the mail (MDN; transmissionacknowledgement).1. In user mode, check the DNS setting, e-mail/i-faxsetting, and IP address made as part of the networksettings.2. Check the condition of the mail server and the DNSserver.# 834The i-fax address or the condition settings of the targetmay be wrong, there may be a fault in the network or themail server, or the target may have encountered amemory full condition, thus causing an MDS errornotice.Check the specified i-fax address and the targetconditions.# 835The number of text lines is more than the maximumnumber of lines permitted for i-fax.Ask the target to decrease the number of text lines andtry once again.# 837A request has been made by a host that comes under therestrictions imposed by 'IP address range setting' in usermode.Check the setting of the IP address range in user mode.The attempt to access in question may be illegal.# 839The SMTP authentication (SMTPAUTH) user name orpassword for e-mail/i-fax (network settings) may bewrong.Check the user name and password used for SMTPauthentication (SMTPAUTH) as part of the networksettings under system control settings (user mode).# 841In relation to an attempt for transmission for e-mail/i-fax, there is no coding algorithm that may be used incommon with the mail server.1. Set 'SSL' to 'OFF' as part of the network settings undersystem control settings (user mode).2. Add a coding algorithm that may be used in common(mail server settings).# 842In relation to an attempt for transmission of e-mail/i-fax,a request has been made for the use of a client certificateby the mail server.1. Set 'SSL' to 'OFF' as part of the network settings underthe system control settings (user mode).2. Change the mail server settings so that it will notrequest a client certificate.# 843The time used by the KDC (key distribution center)server and the time used by the machine are differentsignificantly.1. Correct the time as part of the date/time settings underthe system control settings (user mode).2. Correct the time used by the KDC (key distributioncenter) server.# 847The memory of the Box has been used up, not permittingthe storage of the received file in the fax box.Remove unnecessary files from the fax box or thesystem box.# 851The remaining memory of the machine is running short. Check the remaining memory of the machine; then,remove unnecessary files for the Box.There are more than 100 files in the specified box, notpermitting additional storage.Remove unnecessary files from the specified box.# 852The main power switch has been turned off while a jobis being executed, causing an error.Check to see that the main power switch is on; asnecessary, try once again.# 899Cause Remedy