Chapter 1717-21F-17-403) Click [Upload Data].F-17-414) Select 'MeapBack.bin', and click [Start].F-17-425) Type in the name of the file to store and, as necessary, a brief description; then, click [Save].MFPUSBTarget Selection CONTROL Export Firm SelectioniPR_C1MFPUSBc:InterfaceNetworkIP Address172.16.1.100CANCELEXITSTARTRegister Fir mwareCONNECTDelete Fir mwareDelete Backup DataSystem ManagementS e l e c t t h e t a r g e t . C l i ck a bu t t o n t o exe c u t e .REGISTER REMOVEC l i ck t h e i n t e r fa c e a n d c l i ck t h e< S TA RT > bu t t o n .Service Support Tool DLM0 (Ver.3.22E)iPR_C1SingleALLALL_HDF[1][2]SelectableFirmwareSelectableFir mwareControl172.16.1.100iPR_C1SAFESYSTEMFirmware VersionActiveUSenXXXXnHoldUSenXXXXiRCONXXxxXXXXDCONXXxxXXXXMEAPCONTXXxxXXXXBOOTROMXXxxXXXXCRUIXXjaXXXXXXenXXXXLANGUAGEXXjaXXXXXXenXXXXSelect the fir mware to bedownloaded. then click the [Star t]button.ServiceSupportTool DLM10 (Ver.3.22E)ClearC l i ck t h e bu t t o n o f t h e t a s k t o b eexe c u t e d .Download FirmwareUpload DataDownload DataRestore Backup SystemFormat HDDShutdownReturn to Main MenuStartBOOTiPR_C1BROWSERDCONHDFormatiRCXXXXKEYG3FAXHELPLANGUAGEMEAPCONTMEDIARCONRUITTSWebDAVSYSTEMTSTMP172.16.1.100iPR_C1SAFEServiceSupportTool DLM10 (Ver.3.22E)ClearC l i ck t h e bu t t o n o f t h e t a s k t o b eexe c u t e d .Download FirmwareUpload DataDownload DataRestore Backup SystemFormat HDDReturn to Main MenuStartCanselFile NameMemoc:FileSave ControlSramImg.binSelect the data to be uploaded.then click the [Start] button.backup of meapSublog.txtMeapBack.binSelectableDate