Chapter 1616-39(d) Jam code list (finisher-related)T-16-50(e) Jam code list (Feeder-specific)T-16-510D90 transparency sensor (front, rear) PS3, PS29 when the mode is transparency mode0D91 transparency sensor (front, rear) PS3, PS29 when the mode is not transparency mode0D91 registration sensor PS9 when the mode is transparency mode0D92 transparency sensor (front, rear) PS3, PS290D93 transparency sensor (front, rear) PS3, PS29Code Sensor type Sensor notation1001 inlet path sensor feed delay jam PI331002 punch path sensor (punch registration sensor) feed delay jam LED5/PTR51004 delivery path sensor feed delay jam PI341101 inlet path sensor feed stationary jam PI331102 inlet path sensor feed stationary jampunch path sensor (Punch registration sensor) feed stationary jamLED5/PTR51104 delivery path sensor feed stationary jam PI341200 timing jam PI331500 stapler staple jam STP1300 power-on jam PI33,PI341400 door open jam DOOR1644 punch jam LED5/PTR51645 punch power-on jam LED5/PTR51791 saddle feed sensor feed delay jam PI18,PI19,PI201792 saddle delivery sensor feed delay jam PI111793 saddle inlet sensor feed delay jam PI2217A1 saddle feed sensor feed stationary jam PI18,PI19,PI2017A2 saddle delivery sensor feed stationary jam PI11,PI1717A3 saddle inlet sensor feed stationary jam PI221786 saddle stapler staple jam S STP1787 saddle power-on jam PI11,PI18,PI19,PI20,PI221788 saddle door open jam DOORCode Sensor type Sensor notation Description0001 post-separation sensor PI7 the post-separation sensor does not detect paper when a feed of 452 mm has been made afterthe start of separation.0002 post-separation sensor PI7 - the separation sensor detects paper after a feed of "500 mm (if extra length, +200 mm) - 45.5mm" has been made.- the sensor goes on within a feed of 12 mm after detection of the trailing edge (holed paper);the post-separation sensor detects paper when a feed of 50 m has been made after theseparation sensor goes on.0003 registration sensor PI1 the registration sensor does not detect paper when a feed of 134.8 mm has been made afterthe post-separation sensor goes on.0004 registration sensor PI1 the read sensor goes off before the registration sensor goes off.0005 feed sensor PI8 - read sensor does not detect paper when a feed of 364.2 mm (182.1 x 2) has been made fromthe point of registration.- the read sensor does not detect paper when a feed of 157.4 mm (78.7 x 2) has been madefrom the point of No. 2 registration.0006 feed sensor PI8 - the read sensor detects paper when a feed of 500 mm (if extra-length, +200 mm) has beenmade from the start of feed after a temporary stop at point of reading.- the read sensor detects paper when a feed of 514 mm has been made after the start of feedfrom the standby point in mix mode (LTRR/LGL identified).0007 delivery reversal sensor PI9 - if not in high-speed duplex mode, the delivery sensor does not detect when a feed of 132.1mm has been made after paper has reached the leading edge downstream roller with respectto the activation of the read sensor.- the delivery sensor does not detect paper when a feed of 50 mm has been made after the startof feed during a switch-back operation.0008 delivery reversal sensor PI9 the delivery sensor detects paper when a feed of 161.9 mm has been made from the end ofreading the trailing edge.0042 post-separation sensor PI7 1st; stationary jam at the post-separation sensor0043 registration sensor PI1 1st; not reaching the registration sensor0044 registration sensor PI1 1st; stationary at the registration sensorCode Sensor type Sensornumber Remarks