7 Pilot devices M22-SWD…7.2 M22-SWD front mountSmartWire-DT module IP20 01/20 MN05006001Z-EN www.eaton.com 1597.2.2.7 Potentiometers M22-SWD-RThis function element has the functionality of a potentiometer. Moreover, itcan be configured and has two different profiles available. With the first pro-file, the module will have a resolution of 8 bits, and it will be possible to rep-resent the value either as a percentage (0-100%) or as an absolute value (0-255). With the second profile, the module will have a resolution of 10 bits,and it will be possible to represent the value either as a percentage (0-100.0%) or as an absolute value (0-1023).Due to electrostatic reasons, the function element must first be mounted onthe front element before the external device plug is used to establish a con-nection to the SmartWire-DT system.Figure 59: M22-SWD-R front mount→ The function elements obtain the energy for communicationelectronics and driving the LED from the SmartWire-DT networksupply.Please take into consideration the total power consumption ofyour SmartWire network and, if necessary, plan for an additionalfeeder module EU5C-SWD-PF2-1.You will find information onthe current consumption in the appendix on Page 254.The software program SWD-Assist also supports you in doingthis by automatically performing these calculations.M22-SWD-RSWD4-8SF2-5M22-R-SWDSWD4-…LF…