3 Switching on DIL-SWD-32-001, DIL-SWD-32-002 contactors3.5 CommissioningSmartWire-DT module IP20 01/20 MN05006001Z-EN www.eaton.com 813.5 CommissioningThe automatic addressing of all modules in the SmartWire-DT network is per-formed via the gateway (actuation of the configuration pushbutton on thegateway) during commissioning. During the addressing process the Smart-Wire-DT diagnostics LED flashes. Once the addressing process is com-pleted, the LED indicates a green continuous light.3.6 Exchange of modulesAfter replacement of the modules and connection of the voltage the configu-ration button must be pressed. When this is done, the new module will beassigned an address. Motor starter or contactor3.7 Device statusThe individual SmartWire-DT modules indicate their device status with theaid of a diagnosis LED.Table 6: Diagnostic alarms of the SmartWire-DT module for DILM (LED indicator) DANGERThe exchange of the SmartWire-DT module for DILM must onlybe carried out with the supply switched off.ATTENTIONThe order of the SmartWire-DT units must not be altered. DANGERThe exchange of the motor starter or contactor must only becarried out after the complete system SmartWire-DT isswitched off.Designation Color State MessageReady Orange Continuous light Switching command for contactor viaSmartWire-DTGreen Continuous light Device is operating fault-free.flashing (1 Hz) • addressing process in progress• after gateway power On• after actuation of the configurationbutton on the gateway• Module not in current configuration• invalid type