7 Pilot devices M22-SWD…7.2 M22-SWD front mount184 SmartWire-DT module IP20 01/20 MN05006001Z-EN www.eaton.comReset value as an unsigned integerThe reset value can be set either by the PLC with a rising edge on outputbyte 0, bit 1 or with the confirmation button (parameter byte 0, bit 6 must beset to 1), → table 50. If the reset value is invalid (e.g., falls outside the setlimits), the value will not be applied and the existing value will be retained.If the reset value needs to be changed, a reset must first be performed onceby the PLC for confirmation purposes. This will cause the new reset value tobe applied, after which the new reset value can be set with the confirmationbutton as well. If the PLC has not set a valid reset value by this point, thevalue will be set to the lower limit when the confirmation button is pressed(parameter byte 0, bit 6 must be set to 1), provided the limits are activated;otherwise, it will be set to 0, → table 50.Profile 2Byte 0:The reset value can be set either by the PLC with a rising edge on outputbyte 0, bit 1 or with the confirmation button (parameter byte 0, bit 6 must beset to 1), → table 51. The reset value can be changed by changing the valueof bytes 5 and 6 in parameter byte 0.Address Byte 1 Byte 0BitB15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0QW1MSBLSB7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0– – – – – – RESET ACKCTRCBit Designation Description0 ACKCTRC The confirmation button's acknowledge signal is triggered witha rising edge1 RESET The counter value is reset to the value defined in parameterbytes 5 and 6 with a rising edge, Unbekannte Quelle desQuerverweises2 Not used –3 Not used –4 Not used –5 Not used –6 Not used –7 Not used –