Overload Tolerance Cooling Ability Overload Characteristics100150110 100120 167 20055500Rated Speed=100% Speed60 sec.Continuous A DB(60 Hz)Speed (%)Torque (%)Motor is designed to effectively coolitself at speeds as low as 6 Hz. Continuous operation with 100% loadfrom 6 Hz to 50/60 Hz.n L1-02: Motor Overload Protection TimeSets the time it takes the drive to detect motor overheat due to overload. This setting rarely requires adjustment, but shouldcorrelate with the motor overload tolerance protection time for performing a hot start.No. Name Setting Range DefaultL1-02 Motor Overload Protection Time 0.1 to 20.0 min 8.0 min• Defaulted to operate with an allowance of 150% overload operation for one minute.• Figure 5.34 shows an example of the electrothermal protection operation time using a general-purpose motor operating at60 Hz with L1-02 set to one minute.Operation time (minutes)Cold startHot startMotor current (%)E2-01 = 100% m o t o r c u r r e n t107310.40.10 100 150 200Figure 5.34 Motor Protection Operation Timen L1-13: Continuous Overload Detection SelectionDetermines whether to hold the current value of the electrothermal motor protection (L1-01) when the power supply isinterrupted.No. Name Setting Range DefaultL1-13 Continuous Electronic Thermal Overload Protection Selection 0 or 1 1Setting 0: DisabledSetting 1: Enabledu L2: Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thrun L2-01: Momentary Power Loss Operation SelectionWhen a momentary power loss occurs the drive can be set to automatically return to the operation it was performing when thepower went out based on certain conditions.5.7 L: Protection FunctionsYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 31B YASKAWA AC Drive – J1000 Technical Manual 1135 Parameter Detailshttp://nicontrols.com