4.5 Powering Up the Driveu Powering Up the Drive and Operation Status Displayn Powering Up the DriveReview the following checklist before turning the power on.Item to Check DescriptionPower supply voltageEnsure the power supply voltage is correct:200 V class: single-phase 200 to 240 Vac 50/60 Hz200 V class: 3-phase 200 to 240 Vac 50/60 Hz400 V class: 3-phase 380 to 480 Vac 50/60 HzProperly wire the power supply input terminals (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3).(for single-phase 200 V class models, wire only R/L1 and S/L2)Check for proper grounding of drive and motor.Drive output terminalsand motor terminals Properly wire drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 with motor terminals U, V, and W.Control circuit terminals Check control circuit terminal connections.Drive control terminal status Open all control circuit terminals (off).Status of the loadand connected machinery Uncouple the motor from the load.n Status DisplayWhen the power supply to the drive is turned on, the LED operator lights will appear as follows:No. Name DescriptionNormalOperationSTOPThe data display area displays the frequency reference. is lit.FaultSTOPMain circuit low voltage (ex)Data displayed varies by the type of fault. Refer to Fault Displays, Causes and PossibleSolutions on page 133 for more information and possible solution. and are lit.u V/f Pattern SettingSetting the V/f pattern according to the application. Refer to E: Motor Parameters on page 94 for details on setting the V/f pattern.n Notes when Setting the V/f PatternSet the maximum output frequency to match the motor characteristics.If the V/f pattern voltage is increased motor torque may also increase. However, if the V/f voltage is set too high these problemsmay occur:• Excessive motor current.• Motor overheat or vibration.4.5 Powering Up the DriveYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 31B YASKAWA AC Drive – J1000 Technical Manual 694 Start-Up Programming& Operationhttp://nicontrols.com