D.3 UL StandardsThe UL/cUL mark applies to products in the United States and Canada indicates that UL has performed product testing andevaluation and determined that their stringent standards for product safety have been met. For a product to receive ULcertification, all components inside that product must also receive UL certification.Figure D.7 UL/cUL Marku UL Standards ComplianceThis drive is tested in accordance with UL standard UL508C, E131457 and complies with UL requirements. The followingconditions must be met to maintain compliance when using this drive in combination with other equipment:n Installation AreaDo not install the drive to an area greater than pollution severity 2 (UL standard).n Ambient Temperature-10 to +40 °C (IP20/NEMA Type 1)-10 to +50 °C (IP20/Open-Chassis)n Main Circuit Terminal WiringYaskawa recommends using UL-listed copper wires (rated at 75 °C) and closed-loop connectors or CSA-certified ringconnectors sized for the selected wire gauge to maintain proper clearances when wiring the drive. Use the correct crimp toolto install connectors per manufacturer recommendation.The wire gauges listed in Table D.3, Table D.4, and Table D.5 are Yaskawa recommendations. Refer to local codes for properwire gauge selections.Table D.3 Wire Gauge and Torque SpecificationsModelCIMR-JoBA Terminal Recomm. GaugeAWG, kcmilWire RangeAWG, kcmil Screw SizeTighteningTorqueN•m (lb.in.)000100020003R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 14 18 to 14M3.5 0.8 to 1.0(7.1 to 8.9)U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 14 18 to 14–, +1, +2 – 18 to 14B1, B2 – 18 to 1414 18 to 140006R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 12 14 to 10M4 1.2 to 1.5(10.6 to 13.3)U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 14 14 to 10–, +1, +2 – 14 to 10B1, B2 – 14 to 1010 14 to 100010R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 10 14 to 10M4 1.2 to 1.5(10.6 to 13.3)U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 14 14 to 10–, +1, +2 – 14 to 10B1, B2 – 14 to 1010 14 to 10D.3 UL StandardsYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 31B YASKAWA AC Drive – J1000 Technical Manual 241D Standards Compliancehttp://nicontrols.com