4.2 Using the Digital LED OperatorUse the LED operator to enter run and stop commands, display data, edit parameters, as well as display fault and alarminformation.u Keys, Displays, and LEDsP9512367810STOP111412 13154J1000STOP据え付け、運転の前には必ず取扱説明書を読むこと。通電中および電源遮断後5分以内はフロントカバーを外さないこと。400V級インバータの場合は、電源の中性点が接地されていることを確認すること。( 対応)けが、感電のおそれがあります。危 険Read manual before installing.Wait 5 minutes for capacitor discharge afterdisconnecting power supply.To conform to requirements, make sureto ground the supply neutral for 400V class.Risk of electric shock.WARNING1周波数指令2正転逆転選択3出力周波数4出力電流5出力電圧:::::::::6モニタ7ベリファイ8セットアップ9パラメータ設定Table 4.1 Keys and Displays on the LED OperatorNo. Display Name Function1 Data Display Area Displays the frequency reference, parameter number, etc.2 ESC Key Returns to the previous menu.3 RESET Key Moves the cursor to the right.Resets the drive to clear a fault situation.4 RUN Key Starts the drive.5 Up Arrow Key Scrolls up to select parameter numbers, setting values, etc.6 Down Arrow Key Scrolls down to select parameter numbers, setting values, etc.7 STOP STOP KeyStops the drive.Note: Stop priority circuit. Pressing the STOP key will always cause the drive tostop the motor, even if a Run command is active at any external Run commandsource. Set parameter o2-06 to 0 to disable the STOP key priority.8 ENTER Key Selects all modes, parameters, settings, etc.Selects a menu item to move from one display screen to the next.9 LO/RE Selection Key Switches drive control between the operator (LOCAL) and the control circuitterminals (REMOTE).Note: LOCAL/REMOTE key effective during stop in drive mode.10 RUN Light Lit while the drive is operating the motor.4.2 Using the Digital LED Operator58 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 31B YASKAWA AC Drive – J1000 Technical Manualhttp://nicontrols.com