No. Name Description Range Def. Mode Addr.Hex Pg.H5-04 Stopping MethodAfter Comm.ErrorSelects the stopping method when a communication time-out fault(CE) is detected.0: Ramp to stop1: Coast to stop2: Fast-stop3: Alarm only0 to 3 3 O 428 214H5-05 Comm. FaultDetectionSelectionEnables or disables the communications timeout fault (CE).0: Disabled - A communication loss will not cause a communicationfault.1: Enabled - If communication is lost for more than 2 seconds, a CEfault will occur.0, 1 1 O 429 214H5-06 Drive TransmitWait Time Set the wait time between receiving and sending data. 10 to 65 10 ms O 42A 214H5-07 RTS ControlSelectionSelects "request to send" (RTS) control:0: Disabled - RTS is always on.1: Enabled - RTS turns on only when sending. 0, 1 1 O 42B 214H5-12 Run CommandMethod Selection 0: FWD/STOP, REV/STOP Method1: RUN/STOP, FWD/REV Method 0, 1 0 O 43D 214H5-13 MEMOBUS Freq.Reference andFreq. Monitor Unit0: 0.1 Hz/11: o1-03 based2: 100%/300003: 0.1%/10 to 3 0 O 43E 214<1> Parameter can be changed during run.<2> If this parameter is set to 0, the drive will be unable to respond to MEMOBUS/Modbus commands.Note: Cycle power to the drive to enable MEMOBUS/Modbus settings.u L: Protection FunctionL parameters provide protection to the drive and motor, such as: control during momentary power loss, Stall Prevention,frequency detection, fault restarts, overtorque detection, and other types of hardware protection.No. Name Description Range Def. Mode Addr.Hex Pg.L1: Motor Protection FunctionsUse L1 parameters to configure motor protective functions.L1-01 Motor OverloadProtectionSelectionSets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1) based on thecooling capacity of the motor.0: Disabled1: General Purpose Motor (Standard Fan-Cooled)2: Drive Dedicated Motor with a Speed Range of 1:10NOTICE: When multiple motors are used the drive may not be ableto provide protection, even if it is enabled in L1-01. Set L1-01 to “0”and ensure each motor has a thermal relay installed.0 to 2 1 S 480 112L1-02 Motor OverloadProtection TimeSets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1) time.A larger L1-02 time will increase the time for an oL1 fault to occur.This parameter does not typically require adjustment. Should be setin accordance with the overload tolerance of the motor.0.1 to 20.0 8.0 min O 481 113L1-13ContinuousElectrothermalOperation SelectionDetermines whether or not to hold the electrothermal value when thepower supply is interrupted.0: Disabled1: Enabled0, 1 1 O 46D 113L2: Momentary Power LossUse L2 parameters to configure drive functions for momentary power loss conditions.L2-01 Momentary PowerLoss OperationSelectionEnables and disables the momentary power loss function.0: Disabled - Drive trips on (Uv1) fault when power is lost.1: Power Loss Ride-Thru Time - Drive will restart if power returnswithin the Power Loss Ride-Thru Time.2: CPU Power Active - Drive will restart if power returns as long asthe CPU is working.0 to 2 0 O 485 113L3: Stall Prevention FunctionUse L3 parameters to configure the Stall Prevention function.B.2 Parameter TableYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 31B YASKAWA AC Drive – J1000 Technical Manual 197B Parameter List