No. Name Description Range Def. Mode Addr.Hex Pg.o3-01 Copy FunctionSelectionSelects the copy function operation.0: No action1: READ - All parameters are read from the drive and stored in theLED operator.2: COPY - All parameters are copied from the LED operator to thedrive.3: VERIFY - Parameter settings in the drive are compared to those inthe LED operator.Note: When using the copy function, the drive model number (o2-04)and the software number (U1-26) must match or an error will occur.0 to 3 0 O 515 123o3-02 Copy AllowedSelectionLocks the READ operation to prevent accidental overwriting of thedata stored in the LED operator.0: READ operation prohibited1: READ operation allowed0, 1 0 O 516 124o4: Maintenance PeriodUse o4 parameters to perform maintenance.o4-01 AccumulatedOperation TimeSettingSets the value for the cumulative operation time of the drive in unitsof 10 h. 0 to 9999 0 O 50B 124o4-02 AccumulatedOperation TimeSelectionDetermines, how the cumulative operation time (U4-01) is counted.0: Logs power-on time1: Logs operation time when the drive output is active (outputoperation time).0, 1 0 O 50C 124o4-03 Cooling FanOperation TimeSetting Sets the value of the fan operation time in units of 10 h. 0 to 9999 0 O 50E 124o4-05 CapacitorMaintenanceSetting Sets the value of the capacitor maintenance time monitor U4-05. 0 to 150 0% O 51D 124o4-07Soft ChargeBypass RelayMaintenanceSettingSets the value of the Soft Charge Bypass Relay Maintenance monitorU4-06. 0 to 150 0% O 523 124o4-09 IGBTMaintenanceSetting Sets the value of the IGBT Maintenance monitor U4-07. 0 to 150 0% O 525 125o4-11 U2 InitializeSelection0: U2-oo and U3-oo monitor data are not reset when the drive isinitialized using A1-03.1: U2-oo and U3-oo monitor data are reset when the drive isinitialized using A1-03.0, 1 0 O 510 125<1> Parameter can be changed during run.u U: MonitorsMonitor parameters allow the user to view drive status, fault information, and other information about drive operation.No. Name Description Analog OutputLevel Unit Mode Addr.HexU1: Operation Status MonitorsUse U1 monitors to display the operation status of the drive.U1-01 FrequencyReference Monitors the frequency reference 10 V: Max frequency 0.01 Hz O 40U1-02 Output Frequency Displays the output frequency. Display units are determinedby o1-03. 10 V: Max frequency 0.01 Hz O 41U1-03 Output Current Displays the output current. 10 V: Drive ratedcurrent 0.01 A<1> O 42U1-06 Output VoltageReference Displays the output voltage. 10 V: 200 Vrms(400 Vrms) 0.1 V O 45U1-07 DC Bus Voltage Displays the DC bus voltage. 10 V: 400 V (800 V) 1 V O 46B.2 Parameter TableYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710606 31B YASKAWA AC Drive – J1000 Technical Manual 201B Parameter List