3 Teaching3.6 Editing Instructions3-41149235-1CDRE-CSO-A0313.6.2 Inserting InstructionsOperation Explanation1 Move the cursor to theaddress area in the JOBCONTENT window.Move the cursor to the line immediately before where theinstruction is to be inserted, in the teach mode.2 Press [INFORM LIST]. The INFORM command list appears, and an underline isdisplayed beneath the line number in the address area.3 Select the instruction group. The instruction list dialog box appears. The selected instruction isdisplayed on the input buffer line with the same additional itemsas registered previously.4 Select the instruction.0000 NOP0001 MOVJ VJ=25.00 PL=0 NWAIT ACC=20 DCC=200002 MOVJ VJ=25.00Line beforewhere instructionis to be added.Short CutMain MenuJOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R1000000010002000300040005NOPMOVJ VJ=25.00 PL=0 NWAIT ACC=20 DCC=20MOVJ VJ=25.00MOVJ VJ=12.50ARCON ASF#(1)ENDTOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003=> MOVJ VJ=50JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYIN/OUTCONTROLDEVICEMOTIONARITHSHIFTOTHERSAMEPRIORShort CutMain MenuJOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R1000000010002000300040005NOPMOVJ VJ=25.00 PL=0 NWAIT ACC=20 DCC=20MOVJ VJ=25.00MOVJ VJ=12.50ARCON ASF#(1)END:00STEP NO.: 0003=> JUMP *LABELJOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYIN/OUTCONTROLDEVICEMOTIONARITHSHIFTOTHERSAMEPRIORJUMPCALLTIMERLABELCOMMENTRET105 of 493