11 Error11.1 Error Message List11-2149235-1CDRE-CSO-A03111.1.1 System and General OperationError No. Data Error Message Contents10 - Turn off servo power and performcorrective actionIt cannot be operated while servopower supply is ON.20 - Depress TEACH Out of specified operation mode30 - Illegal setting for number of variables Parameter setting error40 - Undefined robot position variables Position variable cannot be used.60 - Undefined points (ORG, XX, XY) Not registered user coordinatesbasic 3 points (ORG, XX, XY)70 -Program and current tool different The tool number registered withteaching position data does notmatch the tool number selected atthe programing pendant.80 - Same position in the 3 points100 - On overrun recovery status110 - Turn ON servo power120 - Set to PLAY mode130 - No start using external signal140 - No start using P.P.180 - TEACH mode select signal ON190 - Set variable number200 - Defined group axis210 - Undefined coordinated robots212 Cannot register group combination230 - While releasing soft limit240 - Undefined robot270 - Undefined gun condition file280 - Lack of number of I/O points290 - Cannot set same No.300 - Undefined user frame310 - Cannot register Master JOB320 - Cannot operate CHECK-RUN330 - Cannot operate MACHINE LOCK478 of 493