3 Teaching3.7 Editing Jobs3-53149235-1CDRE-CSO-A0313.7.1 Selecting the RangeAfter setting the range, Copy and Delete can be performed.Operation Explanation1 Move the cursor to theinstruction area in the JOBCONTENT window.2 Move the cursor to the startline and press [SHIFT] +[SELECT].The range specification begins, and the address is displayed inreverse.3 Move the cursor to the endline.Moving the cursor effects to the range. Up to the line specified bythe cursor is the range.Short CutMain Menu Turn on servo powerJOB CONTENTJOB NAME :TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R10000000100020003000400050006000700080009001000110012NOPSET B000 0SET B001 1MOVJ VJ=80.00MOVJ VJ=80.00DOUT OGH#(13) B002DOUT OT#(41) ONMOVL C00002 V=880.0 CV#(1) CTP=0.662DOUT OT#(44) ONTIMER T=3.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.0TOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYMove the cursor toinstruction area.Short CutMain Menu Turn on servo powerJOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R10000000100020003000400050006000700080009001000110012NOPSET B000 0SET B001 1MOVJ VJ=80.00MOVJ VJ=80.00DOUT OGH#(13) B002DOUT OT#(41) ONMOVL C00002 V=880.0 CV#(1) CTP=0.662DOUT OT#(44) ONTIMER T=3.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.0TOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYStart lineEnd line117 of 493