9 Arc Welding Application9.4 Registering Arc Welding Instructions9-35149235-1CDRE-CSO-A0319.4.4 ARCCTSThe ARCCTS instruction is used with a move instruction to gradually change the welding current andvoltage during welding. A gradual change in the current or voltage is specified by an aimed value andthe length of the slope up/down section. The length of the slope up/down section is set from the movestart point. If no length is specified, the entire section of the move instruction is used.The current and voltage are gradually changed as the manipulator moves toward the move end pointspecified by the move instruction. The aimed current and voltage values are 150A and 16.0Vrespectively. The slope up/down section length is 100mm from the move start point.Gradually Decreasing Current or VoltageGradually Increasing Current or VoltageARCCTS AC=150Aimed weldingcurrent valueAV=16.0Aimed weldingvoltage valueDIS=100.0Slope up/down section length(distance from move start point)MOVL V=80Value immediately before executionof move instructionARCCTS aimed valueARCCTS executedWelding continuesDIS =xxxMove distance specifiedby move instructionValue immediately beforeexecution of move instructionARCCTS aimed valueARCCTS executedWelding continuesDIS=xxxMove distance specifiedby move instruction378 of 493