9 Arc Welding Application9.12 Power Source Condition File9-86149235-1CDRE-CSO-A031Note that the data points (points of measurement) are automatically connected by straight lines, whichdefine the output values of any points off these data points. The inclination between the last two datapoints is extended as a straight line beyond the last point until it reaches the end of the measuringrange. If the intended welding current or voltage is not output due to a fluctuation in the Power Source’spower supply voltage, adjust the output by specifying a correction value. The figure (welding currentoutput characteristics) shows how a correction value works.The following are the three types of the Power Source condition files. Each file consists of twowindows.The execution file is used to set the condition file of the Power Source being used. The user registeredfile is used by the user to save the Power Source condition files, and the data for eight models can beregistered. Yaskawa also offers initial value files which contain common Power Source characteristics.Data for 64 models have already been registered. A Power Source condition file can be set only byreading from either the user registered file or initial value file to the execution file. When it is necessaryto make adjustments to the data, refer to section 9.12.4 "Editing the Power Source Condition Files".9.12.2 Specifying Welding Voltage when Synergic PowerSupply is UsedWhen a synergic power supply is used, the NX100 requests the user to specify the welding voltage bya ratio against the proper output value (not by the output value as conventionally done).For that, the voltage characteristics associated with a certain welding current output value must bedetermined by measurement, and the results should be stored in the Power Source condition data fileas representative values. The welding current output value for the measurement should be a value thatis assumed relatively often in actual situations. Each of the provided Power Source condition data filesalready contains the representative values for the associated Power Source model.Power Source CharacteristicsPower Source Condition FilesExecution File(4 files: for Connectable Power Source) User Registered File (64 files) Initial Value File (24 files: Maker Offer)Power Source Characteristics Power Source CharacteristicsPower Source Characteristics Power Source Characteristics Power Source Characteristics 429 of 493