3 Teaching3.9 Other Job-editing Functions3-64149235-1CDRE-CSO-A0313.9.4 User VariablesUser variables are used for jobs to store counters, calculation results or input signals. Since the sameuser variable can be used in multiple jobs, save the numerical values as common references for thejobs and the user variables are maintained even when the power is turned OFF.User variables have the following applications:• Controlling of the number of workpieces• Controlling of the number of jobs• Sending/receiving of information between jobsThe data formats for user variables are described in the following table:User VariablesData Format Variable No.(pcs) FunctionsByte Type B000 to B099(100)Range of storable values is from 0 to 255.Can store I/O status.Can perform logical operations (AND, OR, etc.).Integer Type I000 to I099(100)Range of storable values is from -32768 to 32767.Double PrecisionInteger TypeD000 to D099(100)Range of storable values is from -2147483648 to2147483647.Real Type R000 to R099(100)Range of storable values is from -3.4E+38 to 3.4E38.Accuracy: 1.18E-38 < x ≤ 3.4E38Character Type S000 to S099(100)Maximum storable number of characters is 16.PositionTypeRobotAxesP000 to P127(128)Can store position data in pulse form or in XYZ form.XYZ type variable can be used as target position datafor move instructions, and as incremental values forparallel shift instructions.BaseAxesBP000 to BP127(128)StationAxesEX000 to EX127(128)128 of 493