6 Convenient Functions6.3 Parallel Shift Job Conversion Function6-17149235-1CDRE-CSO-A0316.3.2 Coordinate Systems for ConversionWhen performing parallel shift job conversion, it is necessary to specify the coordinate systems inwhich the conversion is to be performed. The coordinate system can be selected from the following:• Base coordinates• Robot coordinates• Tool coordinates• User coordinates (24 types)• Master tool coordinates (R*+R* job)• Joint coordinatesIn the case of an ordinary job for which group axes are registered, shift conversion is performed inaccordance with the selected coordinate system. The relationship between group combinations andcoordinates are shown in the following table. to in the table are followed by their explanations.Relationship Between Group Combinations and Coordinates at ConversionGroupCombinationin JobExplanationUsable Coordinate SystemR Shift is performed on basis of selected coordinates.Base coordinates, robot coordinates, tool coordinates, user coordinates, pulsecoordinatesR(B) Shift is performed on basis of selected coordinates.BaseCoordinatesThe base axis is shifted by the specified amount and the TCPof the manipulator is shifted by the specified amount in thebase coordinates.RobotCoordinatesThe base axis is shifted by the specified amount.The TCP of the manipulator is shifted by the specified amountin the robot coordinates. These shifts are carried outindependently.ToolCoordinatesThe base axis is shifted by the specified amount.The TCP of the manipulator is shifted by the specified amountin the tool coordinates. These shifts are carried outindependently.UserCoordinatesThe base axis is shifted by the specified amount and the TCPof the manipulator is shifted by the specified amount in theuser coordinates.PulseCoordinatesThe taught position of each axis is shifted by the specifiedamount on the basis of pulse values.S Shift is performed on the basis of pulse values regardless of the coordinates.GroupCombinationin JobExplanationUsable Coordinate System214 of 493