8 Parameter8.2 Motion Speed Setting Parameters8-7149235-1CDRE-CSO-A031 S2C326: DEVIATED POSITIONThis parameter specifies whether deviated position is to be robot current (reference) position orfeedback position.When emergency stop is applied during high-speed motion, the deviated position differs from the robotcurrent value (reference) position and feedback position as shown in the following.1After moving back to the deviated position, move to the indicatedstep.2• To the path deviated position, the manipulator moves in a straight line at low speedoperation (SICxG044).It is linear movement. After resetting from deviation, the speed becomes the same astaught speed.• The initial setting (prior to shipping) is 0: The manipulator moves in a straight line from thepresent position to the indicated step.0: Return to the feedback position.1: Return to the current value (reference) position.S2C325Parameter SettingValue Movement When RestartingJOGMove to the path deviatedposition and then move tothe indicated step.Emergency stop (Servo OFF)JOGMove to the path deviatedposition and stop. Whenrestarting, move to theindicated step.Emergency stop (Servo OFF)NOTEFeedback positionCurrent value(reference) positionEmergency stop296 of 493