8 Parameter8.3 Mode Operation Setting Parameters8-22149235-1CDRE-CSO-A031 S2C299: I/O VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE FUNCTIONThis function enables registration of any particular input/output signal/variable. Reference and editing ofsignals/variables are possible on the same window.With this function valid, the sub-menu {I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE} opens under the main menu {ARCWELDING}, {SPOT WELDING}, {GENERAL}, {HANDLING} (differs by application). Select {I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE}, and the I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE window appears as shown below.I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE WindowOn the I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE window, any of the input/output signals/variables can be selectedand registered (up to 32 items). Registrable signals/variables are as follows:The contents and names of the registered signals/variables can be checked and edited on this window.In addition, the data list of registered signals/variables can be loaded, saved, verified or deleted with anexternal memory unit.Only when this function is valid, “I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE (file name: USRIOVAR.DAT)” isdisplayed and can be selected. To display the “I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE (file name:USRIOVAR.DAT)”, select {FD/CF} {LOAD} {SAVE} {VERIFY} {DELETE} {SYSTEM DATA}S2C299Parameter Setting Value Valid/Invalid0 Function Invalid1 Function ValidRegistrable Items on the I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZE WindowInput/Output SignalsUSER INPUT SIGNALUSER OUTPUT SIGNALPSEUDO INPUT SIGNALVariablesBYTE TYPE VARIABLE (B VARIABLE)INTEGER TYPE VARIABLE (I VARIABLE)DOUBLE-PRECISION INTEGER TYPE VARIABLE (D VARIABLE)I/O-VARIABLE CUSTOMIZENo I/O-VARIABLE CONTENTS NAME010203040506070809101112B001#10011D002#82015#00010I000OUT#0002IN#0001 SIM250123456789500BYTE001OUT0002DOUBLE002CMD REMOTE SELIN0001INTEGER000311 of 493