3 Teaching3.7 Editing Jobs3-54149235-1CDRE-CSO-A0313.7.2 CopyingBefore copying, the range to be copied has to be specified.3.7.3 CuttingBefore cutting, the range to be cut has to be specified.Operation Explanation1 Select {EDIT} under the menu. The pull-down menu appears.2 Select {COPY}. The specified range is copied to the buffer.Operation Explanation1 Select {EDIT} under the menu. The pull-down menu appears.2 Select {CUT}. The confirmation dialog box appears. When “YES” is selected,the specified range is deleted and copied to the buffer.When “NO” is selected, the cutting operation is cancelled.Short CutMain MenuJOB CONENTJOB NAMETEST01CONTROL GROUPR10000000100020003000400050006000700080009001000110012NOPSET B000 0SET B001 1MOVJ VJ=80.00MOVJ VJ=80.00DOUT OGH#(13) B002WAIT IF IN#(5)=ONMOVL V=880.0DOUT OT#(44) ONTIMER T=3.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.00MOVJ VJ=50.00 PL=1TOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYCOPYCUTPASTEREVERSE PASTEShort CutMain MenuJOB CONTENTJOB NAMETEST01CONTROL GROUPR10000000100020003000400050006000700080009001000110012NOPSET B000 0SET B001 1MOVJ VJ=80.00MOVJ VJ=80.00DOUT OGH#(13) B002WAIT IF IN#(5)=ONMOVL V=880.0DOUT OT#(44) ONTIMER T=3.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.0MOVL V=880.00MOVJ VJ=50.00 PL=1TOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYCOPYCUTPASTEREVERSE PASTEDelete?NOYES118 of 493