3 Teaching3.4 Modifying Steps3-30149235-1CDRE-CSO-A0313.4.4 Modifying Move Instructions Modifying Position Data Modifying Interpolation TypeOperation Explanation1 Move the cursor to the MOVinstruction to be modified.Display the JOB CONTENT window and move the cursor to themove instruction to be changed.2 Press the axis operation key. Turn ON the servo power and press the axis operation key tomove the manipulator to the desired position.3 Press [MODIFY]. The key lamp will blink.4 Press [ENTER]. The position data in the present position is registered.Modifying only interpolation type is impossible. The interpolation type can be modified as achoice for modifying the position data.Operation Explanation1 Move the cursor to the moveinstruction to be modified.Display the JOB CONTENT window, and move the cursor to themove instruction for which interpolation type is to be changed.2 Press [FWD]. Turn ON the servo power and press [FWD] to move themanipulator to the position of the move instruction.3 Press [DELETE]. The key lamp will blink.4 Press [ENTER]. The cursor line step is deleted.5 Press [MOTION TYPE]. Press [MOTION TYPE] to change the interpolation type. Eachtime [MOTION TYPE] is pressed, the input buffer line instructionalternates.6 Press [INSERT].7 Press [ENTER]. The interpolation type and position data are changed at the sametime.For MOV instructions for which position variableshave been set, the position variables will not bechanged.SUPPLE-MENTNOTE94 of 493